Friday 26 June 2015

Inside Out with GAHTI President

The Media and Public Relations team had a discussion with the leader of one of our blocs. Find the tête-à-tête below.

By Patrick Fynn

Tell us about yourself and your institution.

I am Dominic Otuo Serebour, a  final year psychiatry student nurse at Nurses' Training College – Pantang.

I am a determined and outspoken young man. Currently I am President for the Greater Accra Health Training Institutions (GAHTI).

(GAHTI) is a recognized health association for both private and public health institutions in Greater Accra Region currently. It was founded in March, 1999.
Service to humanity; Service to God

GAHTI: We serve!
GAHTI: Service to humanity!!
GAHTI : Service to God!!!

Mission/ Vision
To inculcate the spirit of discipline amongst member students
To bring qualify healthcare to the doorsteps of Ghanaians
To foster unity amongst all
To protect and defend member institutions/ students in matters affecting them
To help promote activities of member institutions/ students

What are some of your leadership experiences? Which significant portfolios have you held?

I began my leadership role back in primary and  JHS level. I have worked in offices such as General Secretary and Program Co-ordinator in some basic schools in Accra.
I am as well the Financial Secretary of NTC - Pantang.

Expose some of the key successes you have chalked in your administration so far? How well has it benefited the members?

With the help of my noble executives, member students have now appreciated the need and importance of belonging to one body hence getting involved in all activities.

We also have been able to organize the 15th GAHTI Week Celebration.
This celebration gave members and the community
1. Education on hypertension and its preventive measures
2. Blood donation to Ghana blood bank to save life
3. Quiz competition to improve learning
4. Unity and love amongst members through games.
5. Increasing the population length amongst others


As an institution, what challenges have you been battling with?

Over the years, we have had issues as an association; notable among them:

Financial crises
Treat from heads of institutions
Failure of members to pay dues
Lack of support from external bodies
Lack Commitment from other executives

Can you share with us any inside updates from GAHTI? Upcoming event, projects, etc?

We have successfully been able to put together the maiden Face of GAHTI.

This beauty pageant made members and the general community appreciate the more, their individual role in cholera prevention.

Apart from that here are some events we expect to see in the coming months:
1. Freshers Day & Night 2015 in August
2. Inauguration of GAHTI into National Level in September. After the inauguration we shall be known as Ghana Association Of Health Training Institutions
3. Annual Delegate Congress in October


In your opinion as a bloc head, how far have we come as NAHSAG and what is your impression about the association.

The existence of NASHAG has been very much helpful apart the unification of all health bodies and students as a whole.
The body currently is really showing off and doing very well in discharging their duties as mother association.

On a scale of 100, how much will you rate the current NEC?

I must say God being so good on your side, this current NASHAG NEC is doing productively. In a percentage of 100, I would personally say their output is not below 70%

We are celebrating 10 years of life. What's your message for us?

Our ultimate goal for this celebration is to be more united for health, nothing more or nothing less.
Therefore, I entreat all NMA's and member students to commit themselves and show off their best for us to raise the flag of NAHSAG higher.

Tell us one way we can make the health service delivery better in Ghana

One way to do this is through the involvement of all shareholders ie MOH, GHS, the Worked force, the student body and each individual.

1 comment:

  1. Gahti is moving forward, I aspire to be the next president
