Thursday 25 June 2015

Cervical Cancer Awareness

Did you that CERVICAL CANCER is the leading cause of death among all gynaecological cancers in our part of the world?

Did you know that the incidence is on the ascendancy year in year out?

Did you know that with a simple non invasive test like the PAP SMEAR, it can be detected if a woman will develop the disease within the next decade making the disease very  much preventable?

The Federation of Ghana Medical Students' Association (FGMSA) is at it again, very intensive and much bigger this time round.

Let us all come together as we join hands to beat CERVICAL CANCER in our special project, OUR WOMEN MATTER HEALTH OUTREACH PROGRAM which is aimed at bringing education on CERVICAL CANCER to the doorstep of everyone.

With much focus on PRIMARY PREVENTION and EARLY DETECTION, we seek to reach evey corner of our country and elsewhere Africa with sound education on the unfortunate disease.

With our specially crafted activities, we wish to make an everlasting impact in the lives of our women and make our mark in the history books believing that with OUR WOMEN MATTER HEALTH OUTREACH PROGRAM, we shall influence our society and by the next decade, statistics on CERVICAL CANCER shall never remain the same as we all come on board.

Let's stand for our women and their future
Let's stand for the future of our nation

Like our pages on social media
Facebook: Ourwomenmatter

Credit: The Federation of Ghana Medical Students' Association (FGMSA)

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