Thursday 25 June 2015

NAHSAG Sends Congratulatory Message to Newly-Inducted Medical Officers

This year saw the induction of 199 newly qualified medical doctors from various Medical Schools in Ghana and abroad, into service by the Ghana Medical and Dental Council.

This took place on 9th May, 2015 at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Accra.

It is in this regard the the leadership of the National Health Students’ Association of Ghana (NAHSAG) sends the following fraternal message of congratulation to the graduates on their successful completion of their training.

Undeniably, success is not final and failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill).

You are all true epitomes of determination, hard work, and dedication. There were times your training became more challenging, there were times you had to relinquish various intriguing aspects of life, not forgetting the sleepless nights as well, all in the name of equipping yourselves to serve humanity.

It was never easy but for your determination and hard work this is how far the good Lord has brought you.
It has been proven again that, whenever the mind and heart are put together into purpose, with determination and hard work anything can be achieved. We will agree with Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine that “wherever the art of Medicine is loved, there is also a love of Humanity”.

You have established beyond all evenhanded doubts that you are certainly ready and determined to serve humanity.

We beseech you all therefore to make this your focus in the quest to better the country’s Health system.

We finally applaud your various lecturers, practitioners, parents/guardians and the government for the various thorough efforts, investments and sacrifices made towards your training and the betterment of the Ghana health system, and we do encourage them all to keep up with the good works.”

NAHSAG is a national representative body of all health students and fresh graduates in and from the various Health training institutions and Universities across the length and breadth of Ghana.

BMS Amoakohene Frank


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